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With Our Online Shopping Carts You Can Track Your Inventory

Inventory control is one of the more important aspects of your business. Our shopping cart software can be setup notify you if a specific product in your inventory is running low. This prevents customers from buying items that are out of stock. Our shopping cart software even has a feature that allows your products to be placed on Back Order if they are not currently in inventory. This is part of an optional feature that allows you to upgrade your system.

Our inventory tracking system lets you:
- set a low level inventory warning for each item;
- prevent customers from buying items out of stock;
- lets you set up a back order so that your customers to back order items.

This feature is ideal for products and inventories that you would replace as you sell them and have to reorder these products from your wholesaler. This feature is also important when you run sales promotions or give your customers discounts.

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